Abstract. The need for pear breeding in the foothills of the North Caucasus is associated with the inconsistency of varieties grown in the region, including world standards, with the requirements of modern horticulture. Continuous improvement of the breeding process has led to the creation of new varieties of fruit crops with valuable characteristics and qualities. Currently, pear breeding is actively carried out using classical and modern methods, aimed at creating new sources and donors of valuable traits. As a result of breeding work in our institute, promising pear hybrid forms (2002 year of crossing) with fruits of high commercial quality have been identified. The data of the analysis of the commercial qualities of fruits for 2020-2023 are presented. The largest fruits are marked in two combinations Talgarskaya krasavitsa (free pollination). In the first variant, Talgarskaya krasavitsa (free pollination / working name – Zul’fira/), the average fruit weight was 509 g, and the largest reached 637 g. In the second variant of the Talgarskaya krasavitsa combination (free pollination / working name – Chegemskaya/), the average fruit weight was 258,2 g, and the largest weighed 323,5 g. The content of vitamin "C" in pear fruits is small, and therefore the pear cannot serve as a source of ascorbic acid. The variation of this indicator was noted in the range of 4,0...6,0 mg/100 g. The largest number of them in the Talgarskaya krasavitsa form (free pollination / Chegemskaya/) is on average 6,0 %, and this variety also has a higher sugar content – on average 11,6 %. The presented varieties show a high degree of adaptation to the specific weather conditions of the region. Despite the prevailing meteorological conditions, they mature physiologically, accumulate a sufficient number of chemical components that contribute to the formation of fruits with good dessert taste qualities. As a result, they can not only replenish the zoned assortment, but also are of undoubted interest for further breeding work. Key words: pear, varieties, commercial qualities, fruit weight, biochemical composition
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