In the power semiconductor industry, there is a continuous development toward a higher current capability of devices while device’s dimensions shrink. Although higher current is preferred, the reliability risk of the electromigration (EM) remains challenging. In the present study, a special EM test vehicle is used to investigate the pure EM behavior of power device, following our previous work. The selection of the test condition is discussed in detail, which is defined based on the temperature and current profiles of the device in the actual application, focusing on the applications of the power devices in a controlled environment, i.e., data centers or telecommunication servers. The current and temperature profiles of the device are discussed based on the device’s maximum power dissipation and its respective thermal design. The results show that the different combinations of currents and temperatures can lead to different ratios of acceleration factor between the temperature and the current. Consequently, an inappropriate selection of the testing condition can result in the over-domination of temperature over the current, leading to wrong conclusions. The effects of the PCB surface finish (both Ni and Sn plating) as well as different electron flow directions on the EM were studied. It is concluded that the maximum current that can be applied to a power device in the application within a controlled environment is rather limited by the cooling capability of the system than the EM induced device failure.
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