Previous articleNext article No AccessSocial Movements and the Transformation of National Policy: Street and Working Children in BrazilAnthony Dewees, and Steven J. KleesAnthony Dewees Search for more articles by this author , and Steven J. Klees Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Comparative Education Review Volume 39, Number 1Feb., 1995Special Issue on Education in Latin America Sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society Article DOI Views: 21Total views on this site Citations: 23Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1995 The Comparative and International Education SocietyPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Tricia Niesz, Aaron M. Korora, Christy Burke Walkuski, Rachel E. Foot Social Movements and Educational Research: Toward a United Field of Scholarship, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 120, no.33 (Mar 2018): 1–41. Patrice Joanou Visualising the invisible: children on the streets of Lima, Peru, realise the self through photographs, Visual Studies 32, no.22 (May 2017): 133–147. J. Morewitz Street Youth in Different Countries, (Jul 2016): 157–173. J. Morewitz Employment and Other Income Sources of Runaway and Homeless Youth, (Jul 2016): 39–46. Patrice Joanou Tu sabes que somos de calle, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 43, no.55 (Feb 2014): 601–623. Ann Scheiber Social capital and the target population, Social Enterprise Journal 10, no.22 (Aug 2014): 121–134. Balarin Global citizenship and marginalisation: contributions towards a political economy of global citizenship, Globalisation, Societies and Education 9, no.3-43-4 (Sep 2011): 355–366. G. Griffiths, Lisa Knezevic Wallerstein’s world-systems analysis in comparative education: A case study, PROSPECTS 40, no.44 (Nov 2010): 447–463. DRYBREAD Rights-Bearing Street Kids: Icons of Hope and Despair in Brazil's Burgeoning Neoliberal State, Law & Policy 31, no.33 (Jul 2009): 330–350. Rizzini, Luciléia Pereira, Nisha Thapliyal, , , , , Percepções e experiências de participação cidadã de crianças e adolescentes no Rio de Janeiro, Revista Katálysis 10, no.22 (Dec 2007): 164–177. David F. Suárez Human Rights and Curricular Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean Suárez, Comparative Education Review 51, no.33 (Jul 2015): 329–352. Novis Conditions of detention and the deterioration of juveniles’ health: An evidence of ill‐treatment in Rio de Janeiro, International Journal of Prisoner Health 3, no.44 (Apr 2007): 257–267. Gillespie Capitalist World-Economy, Globalization, and Violence, International Criminal Justice Review 16, no.11 (Sep 2016): 24–44. Dybicz Interventions for street children, International Social Work 48, no.66 (Jul 2016): 763–771.érgio Luiz de Moura The prevention of street life among young people in São Paulo, Brazil, International Social Work 48, no.22 (Jun 2016): 193–200. K. Huggins, Sandra Rodrigues Kids Working on Paulista Avenue, Childhood 11, no.44 (Jul 2016): 495–514. Maclure, Melvin Sotelo Children's rights as residual social policy in Nicaragua: State priorities and the Code of Childhood and Adolescence, Third World Quarterly 24, no.44 (Aug 2003): 671–689. Saad Awad The Invisible Citizens Roaming the City Streets, Educational Review 54, no.22 (Jul 2010): 105–113. Rizzini, Gary Barker, Neide Cassaniga Políticas sociais em transformação: crianças e adolescentes na era dos direitos, Educar em Revista 26, no.1515 (Dec 1999). SNODGRASS GODOY `Our Right is the Right to Be Killed', Childhood 6, no.44 (Jul 2016): 423–442. Bar-On So what’s so wrong with being a street child?, Child & Youth Care Forum 27, no.33 (Jun 1998): 201–222. A. Inciardi, Hilary L. Surratt Children in the Streets of Brazil: Drug Use, Crime, Violence, and HIV Risks, Substance Use & Misuse 33, no.77 (Jul 2009): 1461–1480. Scott, Julie E. Artis Building Democracy, Promoting Tolerance: Adolescent Responsiveness to Social Movement Messages, (): 53–79.
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