Background: The purpose of this study was to detect proteomic alterations and corresponding signaling pathways involved in the formation of age-related cataract (ARC), diabetic cataract (DC), and post-vitrectomy cataract (PVC). Methods: Three sample types, the aqueous humor (AH), the anterior capsule (AC), and the content of the phaco cassette, were collected during phacoemulsification surgery. The samples were obtained from 12 participants without diabetes mellitus (DM), 11 participants with DM, and 7 participants without DM, with a history of vitrectomy surgery in the past 12 months. The Sp3 protocol (Single-Pot, Solid-Phase, Sample-Preparation) was used for the sample preparation. The recognition and quantification of proteins were carried out with liquid chromatography online with tandem mass spectrometry. The DIA-NN software was applied for the identification and quantification of peptides/proteins. Statistical analysis and data visualization were conducted on Perseus software. Data are available via ProteomeXchange. Results: A very rich atlas of the lens and AH proteome has been generated. Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis and the non-canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway were differentially expressed in ARC compared to both the DC and PVC groups. In the PVC group, complement activation was differentially expressed in AH samples, while glutathione metabolism and oxidoreductase activity were differentially expressed in AC samples. Microfilament motor activity, microtubule cytoskeleton organization, and microtubule binding were differentially expressed in the DC and PVC groups in both AH and AC samples. Conclusions: The results of this study expand the existing knowledge on pathways involved in the pathophysiology of cataract, and suggest possible important druggable targets for slower progression or even prevention of cataract.
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