An important mathematical function that describes the interparticle correlations and their time evolution is the dynamic structure factor (DSF). According to Van Hove the dynamic structure factor (DSF) is the space and time Fourier transform of the density-density correlation function of the unperturbed system. In the case of classical systems, computations of the DSF typically employ classical molecular dynamics techniques. However, the present study focuses on quantum systems, in particular on the quantum dynamic structure factor. The main idea of this article is to employ the Wigner formulation of quantum mechanics to derive a new path integral description of the quantum DSF. The next important idea is to consider paths in this representation as stationary random processes and apply the Wiener–Khinchin theorem to express the DSF through the expected values of the power spectrum of trajectories in this representation. To calculate the DSF, spin-resolved radial distribution functions (RDFs) and other thermodynamic parameters of a 3D system of soft sphere fermions we developed a Wigner Path Integral Monte Carlo (WPIMC) method. The observed peaks on the RDFs and DSFs were attributed to wave interference resulting from a multiple-scattering and perturbation effects due to particle exchange and interaction. This phenomenon, observed in a soft sphere scattering system, may serve as a precursor to Anderson localisation, a mechanism in which wave interference across multiple scattering channels prevents wave propagation.
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