Reinforcement sensitivity is a hypothesized attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) intermediate phenotype but its role in transgenerational transmission of ADHD-linked psychopathology risk is largely unknown. We examined, in a carefully phenotyped, N = 123 sample of adolescents (Mage = 15.27 years, SD = 0.984; 61.78% boys), whether (1) parental psychopathology is differentially associated with fMRI-indexed neural response to reward receipt and (2) both maternal and paternal psychopathology are associated with neural response to reward; across adolescents at-risk for and not at-risk for ADHD. Indices of parental psychopathology were differentially associated with adolescent offspring neural response to reward such that across measures, parental psychopathology was negatively or not associated with offspring superior frontal gyrus (SFG) response to reward receipt in adolescents at-risk for ADHD, but parental psychopathology was positively associated with offspring SFG response in adolescents not at-risk. Further, across measures, greater maternal psychopathology was associated with blunted adolescent SFG response to reward in adolescents at-risk for ADHD whereas greater maternal externalizing problems were linked to enhanced adolescent SFG response in adolescents not at-risk. Across measures, paternal psychopathology was not associated with adolescent response to reward, in either group. ADHD risk confers differential reward-related susceptibility to the effects of parental psychopathology. Results also show this association is nonspecific in terms of parental psychopathology type but is specific to maternal psychopathology.
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