NuScale reactor design utilizes natural circulation for heat removal in the primary system, and it is maximized the usage of passive safety systems. Elimination of pumps from the primary system leads to specific phenomenology in this reactor. In this research, NuScale design is selected as a reference case study based on its design certification application (DCA). The main objective of this study is to evaluate the capability of the reactor to withstand against station blackout and to represent phenomenology involved in this specific integral PWR design. In this research, RELAP5/SCDAP is used to model the thermal-hydraulics performance of the reactor during steady-state and station blackout conditions. Furthermore, a new loading pattern is proposed for the reactor core, and its neutronic parameters are calculated using MCNP5, and three-dimensional visualization of the neutron flux in the core is depicted. Critical heat fluxes along the reactor core height are calculated based on Groenveld look-up table and Bowring correlation in the steady-state operation. Also, minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio is computed for the proposed core based on hot rod heat flux. The results of this research are validated based on design certification application data. Then, the reactor behavior during two station blackout scenarios is getting focused. In the first scenario, no additional failure is assumed, while in the second scenario, failure of the emergency core cooling system is taken into account, and the performance of the reactor is studied for three days after the initiation of these accidents. The dominant phenomenon in each phase of these accidents has been analyzed. Results show significant improvements in decay heat removal in comparison with typical current PWRs during the station blackout accident. However, in some stages of accidents, remarkable fluctuations in the fluid flow of the primary system have been observed. In the case of long term exposure of the reactor to these flow oscillations, it may lead to structural damages and its further consequences.
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