Periarthritis of the shoulder joint is a condition characterised by disabling pain, inflammation, stiffness, and restriction of both active and passive movements of the shoulder joint. Among the factors suggested for the cause of the disease, trauma is found to be one of them. Traumatic periarthritis of the shoulder joint may be correlated with Amsamarma Abhighata due to similarity in clinical features such as Bahukriyaharam and Stabdabahutha. Acharya Susrutha mentioned that Agnikarma is effective in Ruja pertaining to Sira, Snayu, Sandhi and Asthigata Vikara. Amsamarma is a Snayu Marma and Acharya Susrutha has mentioned Dahanopakarana like Kshoudra, Guda, Sneha for Agnikarma in Sira, Snayu, Sandhi, Asthi gata Vikara. In this study, a female patient 60 years was treated with Agnikarma to assess the effect of Agnikarma with Tila Taila in Amsamarma Abhighata - Traumatic periarthritis of shoulder joint. Agnikarma has properties like Vatakaphahara, Ushna, Sookshma, and Ashukari Guna, which help relieve pain and stiffness instantly. Snigdha dravyas have deep heat penetration capacity with a greater latent heat period. It is helpful in musculoskeletal disorders and can be done on an OPD basis. The assessment was done on subjective parameter, pain and objective parameter like range of movements(Abduction). The patient was assessed before and after treatment. Follow-up was done on the 7th, 15th and 30th day for 1 month.
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