A dengue 4 (strain H241, PDK35-TD3 FRhL p3) vaccine attenuated by passage in primary dog kidney cells followed by passage and final vaccine preparation in DBS-FRhL-2 cells was tested in five yellow fever-immune volunteers. Only two volunteers seroconverted by producing hemagglutination-inhibiting and neutralizing antibodies. Mild illness, compatible with dengue infection was found only in the individuals who later developed antibodies. Both volunteers developed a rash by the 8th day following vaccination, coinciding with a slight elevation in temperature and leukopenia. Additionally, several serum enzymes were elevated during the observation period. Dengue 4 virus was isolated from the blood of the two infected volunteers starting as early as day 5 post vaccination. During the viremic period, which lasted 5 days, phenotypically-changed virus was recovered, indicating genetic instability of the vaccine virus. The clinical disease and immune response in the two infected individuals was probably related to replication of the variant virus. Further testing of this vaccine in its present form is not indicated.
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