Cells of the female reproductive tract are subject to hormonal control via sex steroid genomic receptors expressed at nuclear level. We previously showed that interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) of human myometrium expressed estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER/PR). Our aim, based on these results, was to see if ER and/or PR could be found also in tubal ICLC. Indeed, we present here immunohistochemical evidence that ICLC of human Fallopian tube (isthmic region) have such receptors. Stromal ICLC, as well as ICLC among smooth muscle layers, were identified in tissue sections by their morphological features (e.g. several very long, moniliform, prolongations of cell body) as well as by c-kit positivity, vital staining with methylene blue or silver impregnation. Additional evidence was provided by sequential staining for c-kit and for PR on the same cell, by 'sandwich method'. In vitro, the 4th passage cell cultures from Fallopian tube muscularis exhibiting ICLC morphology showed the presence of ER-alpha and/or PR-A by immunofluorescence. In conclusion, our data suggest that ICLC could function as steroid sensors, and might be implicated in Fallopian tube motility (via gap junctions or juxta- and/or paracrine mechanisms).
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