Multiple-valued logic (MVL) is a logic in which there are more than two truth values. MVL is used due to difficulty in interconnection problems in binary system. Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFET) is used to design the Quaternary Half Subtractor (QHS) circuit. Sub blocks of Module (0210), Module (1021), Module (2102), Module (3210) using three supply voltage devices and Quaternary Multiplexer 2:1 using pass transistor have designed in this paper. Therefore, compared to existing designs, less no. of transistors are needed. Comparing proposed Half subtractor using 4:1 MUX modules to current one’s reveals that the 2:1 multiplexer-based method leads in lower power usage. These proposed designs have proven to work satisfactorily under a variety of operating situations, including power, delay, and power delay product (PDP).
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