Action Rules are rule based systems that extract actionable patterns which are hidden in big volumes of data. Users need recommendations on actions they can undertake to increase their profit or accomplish their goals, this recommendations are provided by Actionable patterns. In the technological world of big data, massive amounts of data are collected by organizations, including in major domains like financial, medical, social media and Internet of Things(IoT). To analyze and store such a massive amount of data, distributed computing frameworks like Hadoop and Spark are introduced to store the big data in a distributed fashion which manage and analyze them in parallel. The traditional Action Rules extraction models, which analyze the data in a nondistributed fashion, do not perform well when dealing larger datasets. Serious complications of discovering Action Rules with such distributed environments are - data distribution among computing nodes and calculation of major parameters including : support, confidence, utility, and coverage, that represent the whole data. Information granules form basic entities in the world of Granular Computing(GrC), which represents meaningful smaller units derived from a larger complex information system. In this research, we focus on the data distribution phase of the distributed Actionable Pattern Mining problem. To handle the data distribution task by splitting the big data in both horizontal and vertical fashions - we propose partition threshold rho. In this work, we concentrate on using information granules to implement a vertical data splitting strategy with Meta Actions. Hence our results discover valuable Actionable Knowledge with application in Business and Education domains.
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