The extradimensional axion solves the strong CP problem while largely circumventing the quality problem that plagues its four-dimensional counterparts. Such high quality can be clearly understood in terms of the generalized global symmetries of the higher-dimensional theory. We emphasize that an electric one-form symmetry is entirely responsible for protecting the potential of axions arising from 5D gauge theories and use this to systematically characterize the extradimensional axion quality problem. We identify three ways of breaking this one-form symmetry to generate an axion potential: adding electrically charged matter, gauging a magnetic higher-form symmetry, and turning on an Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly. In the latter case, we identify new ways of generating an axion potential via extradimensional magnetic monopoles. We also discuss how the axion is modified if the protective electric one-form symmetry is itself gauged. Finally, we relate these effects to gravitational expectations for the quality problem via generalized weak gravity conjectures. The clarity that generalized symmetries bring to the extradimensional axion quality problem highlights their relevance to particle phenomenology. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
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