Abstract The fast solar wind emerging from coronal holes is likely heated and accelerated by the dissipation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, but the specific kinetic mechanism resulting in the perpendicular ion heating required by observations is not understood. A promising mechanism has been proposed by Chandran et al., which in this paper we call “magnetic moment breaking” (MMB). As currently formulated, MMB dissipation operates only on the ion perpendicular motion, and does not influence their parallel temperature. Thus, the MMB mechanism acting by itself produces coronal hole proton distributions that are unstable to the ion-cyclotron (IC) anisotropy instability. This quasilinear instability is expected to operate faster than the nonlinear turbulent cascade, scattering ions into the parallel direction and generating quasi-parallel-propagating IC waves. To investigate the consequences of this instability on the MMB-heated protons, we construct a homogeneous model for protons with coronal hole properties. Using a simplified version of the resonant cyclotron interaction, we heat the protons by the MMB process and instantaneously scatter them to lower anisotropy while self-consistently generating parallel-propagating IC waves. We present several illustrative cases, finding that the extreme anisotropies implied by the MMB mechanism are limited to reasonable values, but the distinctive shape of the proton distribution derived by Klein & Chandran is not maintained. We also find that these combined processes can result in somewhat higher particle energization than the MMB heating alone. These quasilinear consequences should follow from any kinetic mechanism that primarily increases the perpendicular ion temperature in a collisionless plasma.
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