Abstract Place‐Names of Scotland. By James B. Johnston, B.D., Minister of the Free Church, Falkirk. Edinburgh : David Douglas, 1892. Pp. xcix. + 256. Price 7s. 6d. Across Thibet, being a Translation of “De Paris au Tonkin à travers le Tibet inconnn.” By Gabriel Bonvalot. With Illustrations and Map. Translated by C. B. Pitman. London, Paris, and Melbourne: Cassell & Co., 1891. Two volumes. Pp. xii. and 218, and viii. and 230. Price 32s. The Government of Dependencies. By Sir G. C. Lewis, K.C.B. Edited, with an Introduction, by C. P. Lucas, B.A. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. lxviii. + 392. Price 14s. The Government of Victoria (Australia). By Edward Jenks, M.A., Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law in the University of Melbourne. London: Macmillan and Co., 1891. Pp. xliii + 403. Price 14s. An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan. By H. W. Bellew, C.S.I., Surgeon‐General, Bengal Army (retired). Woking : The Oriental University Institute, 1891. Rulers of India: Earl Canning. By Sir H. S. Cunningham, K.C.I.E. With a Map. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. 207. Price 2s. 6d. Rulers of India: Madhava Rao Sindhia, otherwise called Madhoji. By H. G. Keene, C.I.E., M.A. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. 207. Price 2s. 6d. My Second Journey through Equatorial Africa. By Hermann von Wissmann. Translated from the German by Minna J. A. Bergmann. Map and 92 illustrations. London: Chatto and Windus, 1891. Pp. 326. Seven years in the Soudan: being a Record of Explorations, Adventures, and Campaigns against the Arab Slave Hunters. By Romolo Gessi Pasha. Collected and edited by his son Felix Gessi. Illustrated. London : Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1892. Pp. xxiv + 457. Price 18s. The Commerce of Nations. By C. F. Bastable, LL.D., Professor of Political Economy in the University of Dublin, Examiner in Political Economy in the University of London, etc., etc. London: Methuen and Co., 1892. (Social Questions of To‐day Series.) Pp. viii. + 216. Price 2s. 6d. Boundaries of Counties and Parishes in Scotland as settled by the Boundary Comsioners under the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889. By Hay Shennan, Advocate, formerly Secretary to the Commissioners. Edinburgh: Wm. Green & Sons, 1892. Pp. 397. The Riviera. By Hugh Machillan, D.D., LL.D., etc., etc. New and revised edition. Illustrated. London: J. S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 1892. Pp. xvi + 304. Montrose. By Mowbray Morris. ‘ English Men of Action.’ London : Macmillan & Co. 1892. Pp. vi. + 229. Price 2s. 6d. Leaders into Unknown Lands : Being Chapters of Recent Travel. By Arthur Montefiore, F.G.S., F.E.G.S. London : S. W. Partridge and Co., n.d. Pp. 320. Aarbog for Dansh Kulturhistorie, 1892. Udgiven af Poul Bjerge. Kjöbenhavn : i Kommission hos Lehmann and Stage, 1892. Pp. 223. Price 2 kronor. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. By Washington Irving. London, Edinburgh, and New York : T. Nelson and Sons, 1892. Pp. 293. Price 2s. This World of Ours: An Introduction to the Study of Geography. By H. O. Arnold‐Forster. Cassell & Company, 1891. Pp. 312. Price 3s. 6d. Das Luftmeer. Die Grundzüge der Meteorologie, und Klimatologie naeh den neuesten Forschungen. Von Professor Dr. Friedrich Umlauft. Wien – Pest — Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1891. Pp. 488. 15 maps and over 150 illustrations. Natal. The Land and its Story ; A Geography and History for the use of Schools (with map). By Robert Russell. Pietermaritzburg: P. Davis and Sons, 1891. Pp. 266. Murray's Handbook for France. Parts I, and II. Eighteenth Edition. London: John Murray, 1892. Pp. (63) + 433 and (32) + 425. Price 7s. 6d. each. Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine. An entirely new edition, with Maps and Plans. London : John Murray, 1892. Price 18s. King's Handbook of the United States. Planned and edited by Moses King. Text by M. F. Sweetser. London: Osgood, M'Ilvaine and Co., n.d. Pp. 940. 51 maps, 2639 illustrations. Price 10s. 6d. Itinerary through Corsica. With 5 Maps and 1 Plan. By C. B. Black. Third Edition. London : Adam and Charles Black, 1892. Pp. vii. + 56. Price 1s. 6d. A Handbook of British Commerce: being a descriptive and statistical account of the various articles forming the import and export trade of the United Kingdom. By P. L. Simmonds, F.L.S. London : Moffatt and Paige, 1892. Pp. viii + 204. Price 3s. 6d.
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