Abstract Sex-linked and autosomal loci experience different selective pressures and evolutionary dynamics. X (or Z) chromosomes are often hemizygous in males (or females), as Y (or W) chromosomes often degenerate. Such hemizygous regions can be under greater efficacy of selection, as recessive mutations are immediately exposed to selection in the heterogametic sex leading to faster adaptation and faster divergence on the X chromosome (the so-called Faster-X or Faster-Z effect). However, in young non-recombining regions, Y/W chromosomes often have many functional genes, and many X/Z-linked loci are therefore diploid. The sheltering of recessive mutations on the X/Z by the Y/W homolog is expected to drive slower adaptation for diploid X/Z loci, i.e. a reduction in the efficacy of selection. While the Faster-X effect has been studied extensively, much less is known empirically about the evolutionary dynamics of diploid X or Z chromosomes. Here, we took advantage of published population genomic data in the female-heterogametic human parasite Schistosoma japonicum to characterize the gene content and diversity levels of the diploid and hemizygous regions of the Z chromosome. We used different metrics of selective pressures acting on genes to test for differences in the efficacy of selection in hemizygous and diploid Z regions, relative to autosomes. We found consistent patterns suggesting reduced Ne, and reduced efficacy of purifying selection, on both hemizygous and diploid Z regions. Moreover, relaxed selection was particularly pronounced for female-biased genes on the diploid Z, as predicted by recent theoretical work.
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