This paper discusses the process of high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying with modeling of the gas flow parameters and behavior of WC-Co-Cr powder particles of different fractions (up to 20 µm, 21–35 μm and 36–45 μm). It was found that the temperature of the gas stream reaches a maximum of about 2700 °C, after which it gradually decreases, and the pressure in the combustion chamber (before the exit of gases through the nozzle) reaches maximum values, exceeding 400,000 Pa, and the pressure at the exit of the nozzle stabilizes at about 100,000 Pa, which corresponds to the standard atmospheric pressure. The gas velocity increases to 1300–1400 m/s and then decreases to 400 m/s at a distance of about 150 mm. It was determined that powder particles of the 21–35 µm fraction provide more stable parameters of velocity and temperature. Small particles (up to 20 µm) lose velocity and temperature faster as they advance, which deteriorates the coating quality, which was also experimentally confirmed. All results obtained from the HVOF process modeling fully align with the data from experimental studies.
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