Heavy rare-earth A2Zr2O7 zirconates have been studied for their high application potential, including thermal barrier coating, radiation waste storage, or solid oxide fuel cells. However, previous investigations have focused mostly on the high-temperature properties of polycrystalline samples. The low-temperature properties, important for a full understanding of these materials, remains understudied. We have newly synthesised good-quality single crystals of A2Zr2O7 with A = Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu using the laser heated pedestal method and have characterised them by means of X-ray diffraction, magnetisation, and specific heat measurements. The first three members crystallise in a cubic disordered defect-fluorite structure. Lu2Zr2O7 adopts lower-symmetry rhombohedral structure. Similar magnetic properties of all magnetic zirconates were observed at low temperature. In the unperturbed paramagnetic state, they follow the Curie-Weiss law with an effective magnetic moment close to the respective A3+ free ions. The negative paramagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature, in the case of A = Yb member highly negative, strongly suggests an antiferromagnetic ordering in the compounds. Below 30 K, the magnetic response becomes non-linear in the applied magnetic field, suggesting magnetic correlations between rare-earth moments or/and crystal field effects. Finally, at lowest measured temperature, Er2Zr2O7 and Yb2Zr2O7 members reveal a well-pronounced anomaly in specific heat at 0.9 and 1.5 K, respectively. The specific heat anomaly shifts to higher temperature in an applied magnetic field, suggesting ferromagnetic correlations – in contradiction to the negative Curie-Weiss temperature. We discuss these observations in the framework of freezing of magnetic moments on a disordered geometrically frustrated lattice. In contrast, the low-temperature properties of Tm2Zr2O7 are dictated mostly by its crystal electric field; a crystal-field-singlet ground state which does not provide degrees of freedom for a spin-freezing is proposed. No clear low-temperature anomaly in specific heat is observed down to 0.4 K for the A = Tm member. Lu2Zr2O7 does not bear any magnetic moment, therefore no magnetic signal was observed in any measured data. The results are discussed in the framework of heavy rare-earth A2B2O7 oxides and other magnetically frustrated systems.
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