Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to develop prosocial behavior in young people as one of the main conditions for developing harmonious social relations in modern Russian society. The global trend toward implementing the idea of prosociality in education as a tool for developing prosocial communities is supported by leading global institutions and projects focused on the education system and upbringing of young people (for example, OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030, Global Education Futures). The study aims to identify the regulatory conditions for developing prosociality in a modern Russian comprehensive school. Materials and methods. The source base of the study was the regulatory documents defining the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education and upbringing in comprehensive schools (federal laws, decrees of the government of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, the Concepts of academic subjects “Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia”, “History of Russia”, “Social Science”, methodological recommendations and materials developed by the Ministry of Education, and administrative documents of the central education authorities in the Russian Federation). During the study, a systematic approach was used, as well as scientific research methods: textual analysis, the comparison method, and the historical and genetic method. Results. The studied corpus of documents displayed normative regulation of activities to develop prosociality as a moral quality in line with the paradigm of the humanistic nature of education. Forming the civic activity of schoolchildren as an integral part of prosocial behavior is possible through the participation of schoolchildren in solving national problems, primarily in the format of volunteering. The greatest attention in Russian legislation is paid to issues of patriotic education of youth. Conclusion. A phenomenon of modern education is prosocial attitudes being introduced into the consciousness of young people, understood as a person’s ability to help others, take an active civic position, and act in the external environment.
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