AbstractWe studied the effect of strain and selection lineson the fecundity of the cyclopoid copepod Paracyc-lopina nana. We used six strains (HL, YL, BS, SL,TH, TS) and six isofemale lines (including threehigher and three lower fecundity lines). As for theselection of strain, total nauplii production perfemale of SL strain was the highest in the individ-ual culture (231 nauplii per female) and popula-tion growth rate in HL and SL strains showedhigher values than the others in combined culture.For the selection of line, the total nauplii produc-tion per female of HF 2 -2 (high fecundity and sec-ond generation) line was the highest (302 naupliiper female) but those of LF 2 -1 (low fecundity) (80nauplii per female), and LF 2 -3 (46 nauplii perfemale) lines were lower than the others. In F 4 generation, three selected HF 2 -2 line showed thatthe total nauplii production were higher thanthose of three selected LF 2 -3 lines. In the combinedculture on the different selection lines (F 8 ), popula-tion growth rate of two selected high fecunditylines showed higher values than that of the non-selection group and selected low fecundity line.Our results demonstrate that the production ofP. nana can be improved by selection of the linewith high fecundity.Keywords: live feed, copepod, strain, selection,fecundity, Paracyclopina nanaIntroductionSince mariculture is an ever expanding sector ofthe food-producing industry, the improvement ofnovel technologies for the intensification of cul-tures and farming of seaweed and animals arewarranted (Dahms, Gao & Hwang 2007; Camus Z Drillet,Frouel, Sichlau, Jepsen, Hojgaard, Joarder & Hansen2011). Especially the nauplius larvae of copepodsprovide natural prey items for marine invertebrate