Abstract The objectives of this study were to investigate theeffect of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. tolerans JG22 isolatedfrom pepper leaf jangajji on the mutagenic activity of N-methyl,N'-nitro, N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and 2-nitrofluene (2-NF)and to evaluate the effect of physico-chemical pretreatment on theantimutagenic activity of the strain. The viable cells of JG22 straindisplayed a significantly high (p <0.05) antimutagenic activityagainst both mutagens tested. The antimutagenic effect of JG22strain seems to be positively correlated with the amounts of thecells in the incubation time. This strain produced the antimutagenicactivity of the maximum levels after preincubation for 30 min.The binding of this strain against the mutagenic compounds mightbe mainly present in the cell wall fraction rather than the cytosolfraction. Pretreatment with proteolytic enzymes and simulatedgastric and intestinal juices and at different pH values had nosignificant effect on two mutagens removal by the viable cells.However, the binding activity of the mutagen by the strain seemsto be affected by heating, enzymes including α-amylase andlysozyme, divalent ions, and sodium metaperiodate. Thus,carbohydrates consisting of the cell walls may be importantelements responsible for the binding of MNNG and 2-NF by thisstrain. In conclusion, the binding of the mutagens to cells of JG 22strain may play a vital role in suppressing the process ofmutagenesis induced by mutagens.Keywords ames test · antimutagenic activity · Lactobacillus paracasei subspecies tolerans · mutagen bindingIntroductionA mutagen is an agent of substance that causes observablephenotypic changes of DNA such as nucleotide alteration andchromosomal aberration. There are three main types of mutagensclassifying by their sources: chemical (5-bromouracil, 2-aminopurine,etc.), biological (rubella and hepatitis B virus), and physical (highenergy radiation and UV light) mutagens (Kodym and Afza,2003). Among chemical mutagens, alkylating agent leads to cross-link DNA strands and chromosome breaks by two reactive alkylgroups. Deaminating agent converts amino groups to keto groupsand changes hydrogen-bonding potential through oxidativedeamination of amino groups in adenine, guanine, and cytosine.Intercalating agent such as acridine dyes increases rigidity andalters conformation of double helix and base analogs derivativesof the normal bases incorporated in DNA, altering base pairingproperties (Singer and Kusmierek, 1982). Many mutagens arisefrom cigarette smoke, automotive exhaust gas, X-ray irradiation,hazardous chemicals, cooking or food processing, (un)intentionaladditives, and environmental contaminants (Ferguson, 2002).Presence of mutagens is not only involved in the probability ofincidence for colorectal cancer but do also play a role in thepathogenesis of other chronic degenerative diseases, includingatherosclerosis and heart diseases (Gaubatz, 1997).According to previous report, the mutagenicity of direct andindirect mutagens was significantly decreased by probiotic strainsincluding Bifidibacterium ssp., Lactobacillus bulgaricus,Enterococcus faecium, and Streptococcus thermophilus thatshowed the greatest protective effect against DNA damage (Burnsand Rowland, 2004). Probiotics that provide numerous health-promoting effects mainly through improving intestinal microbialbalance of human and animal have been widely used intherapeutic applications (Gomes and Malcata, 1999). Severalreports clearly show that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) andbifidobacteria strains isolated from dairy products are able toreduce enzymatic activities relates to mutagen formation andinhibit the activity of mutagenic chemical compounds in in vivo as
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