We study the probability distribution P(H,t,L) of the surface height h(x=0,t)=H in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in 1+1 dimension when starting from a parabolic interface, h(x,t=0)=x^{2}/L. The limits of L→∞ and L→0 have been recently solved exactly for any t>0. Here we address the early-time behavior of P(H,t,L) for general L. We employ the weak-noise theory-a variant of WKB approximation-which yields the optimal history of the interface, conditioned on reaching the given height H at the origin at time t. We find that at small HP(H,t,L) is Gaussian, but its tails are non-Gaussian and highly asymmetric. In the leading order and in a proper moving frame, the tails behave as -lnP=f_{+}|H|^{5/2}/t^{1/2} and f_{-}|H|^{3/2}/t^{1/2}. The factor f_{+}(L,t) monotonically increases as a function of L, interpolating between time-independent values at L=0 and L=∞ that were previously known. The factor f_{-} is independent of L and t, signaling universality of this tail for a whole class of deterministic initial conditions.