The performance of molecular docking can be improved by comparing the shape similarity of the flexibly sampled poses against the target proteins’ inverted binding cavities. The effectiveness of these pseudo-ligands or negative image-based models in docking rescoring is boosted further by performing enrichment-driven optimization. Here, we introduce a novel shape-focused pharmacophore modeling algorithm O-LAP that generates a new class of cavity-filling models by clumping together overlapping atomic content via pairwise distance graph clustering. Top-ranked poses of flexibly docked active ligands were used as the modeling input and multiple alternative clustering settings were benchmark-tested thoroughly with five demanding drug targets using random training/test divisions. In docking rescoring, the O-LAP modeling typically improved massively on the default docking enrichment; furthermore, the results indicate that the clustered models work well in rigid docking. The C+ +/Qt5-based algorithm O-LAP is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 via GitHub ( contributionThis study introduces O-LAP, a C++/Qt5-based graph clustering software for generating new type of shape-focused pharmacophore models. In the O-LAP modeling, the target protein cavity is filled with flexibly docked active ligands, the overlapping ligand atoms are clustered, and the shape/electrostatic potential of the resulting model is compared against the flexibly sampled molecular docking poses. The O-LAP modeling is shown to ensure high enrichment in both docking rescoring and rigid docking based on comprehensive benchmark-testing.Graphical