Fifty years ago Schwinger [1] calculated the non-perturbative persis tence probability for e+e- pair production by very strong, constant electric fields; since then, many generalizations have been found [2], of which the more recent [3] treat fields which contain both spatial and temporal variations. When the new SLAC/DESY free-electron, high-intensity, X-ray lasers [4] become operational, one expects copious charged-particle production when such laser beams strike matter, and/or in the regions where two or more such beams intersect.[5] The Physics of the Schwinger mechanism for such pair production by an electromagnetic field is well-understood: Many of the virtual photons that comprise the field are absorbed by the fluctuating electron-positron pair, and when enough momentum and energy have been absorbed for the pair to become real (that is, to leave their virtual state), they do so, and with energy E(p) > p. If one assumes that the vacuum contains virtual, charged-tachyon modes - and there are two distinct reasons for such an assumption - then the natural question arises as to whether real, charged tachyons could be produced in the Schwinger manner by a sufficiently intense AeJct(x). If so, the analysis would be quite similar, except that p > E(p), with far-reaching astrophysical consequences leading to at least a partial explanation of dark matter, and of gamma-ray bursts and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays coming from galactic distances. Even though we never experience charged tachyons in our v < c world, there are two reasons for raising the question. The first is associated with the well-known Weinberg/Salam electroweak vacuum, in which a tachyonic Lagrangian - one with a negative mass-squared and a self-interacti on term - is used to define the brokensymmetry, true ground of that system. The relevant observation to be made here is that, if those tachyons are electrically charged, and if there exists in some local region an extremely strong electric field, then fluctuations about that ground state could in principle occur, and could in principle produce T and T pairs. The second reason is the prediction of possible electromagnetic external fields produced at extremely short distances by a form of QED bootstrap fluctuations,[6] with the ability to reproduce our observationally-accelerating Universe, [7] while
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