The density of the ocean generally increases continuously with depth as a consequence of variations in salinity and temperature. In some regions, however, the density profile of the ocean adopts a (double diffusive) staircase structure in which successive layers of uniform density fluid are separated by rapid density jumps. Previous work has theoretically examined the transmission and reflection of periodic internal (gravity) waves incident upon a density staircase. This predicted the existence of transmission spikes (global modes) for certain combinations of frequency and horizontal wave number in which the incident waves transmit perfectly across a density staircase. It was hypothesized that the transmission spikes occur when the incident waves resonate with natural modes of disturbances in the staircase. Here we derive theory to investigate the interactions between incident internal waves and modes. We demonstrate a close correspondence between the frequency for incident waves at a transmission spike and the real part of the frequency of modes at the same horizontal wave number. However, the frequency of the corresponding modes has a negative imaginary part corresponding to exponential decay of the modes in time. We perform numerical simulations to examine the impact of this near-resonant coupling when a vertically localized, quasimonochromatic internal wave packet interacts with a density staircase. In a range of simulations with fixed incident wave frequency and varying horizontal wave number, the measured transmission coefficient does not exhibit transmission spikes, but decreases monotonically with increasing horizontal wave number about the critical wave number separating strong and weak transmission. We show this occurs because the incident wave excites modes that then slowly transmit energy above and below the staircase at a rate consistent with the predicted decay rate of the modes. This rate is slower for staircases with more steps with the decay time increasing as the cube of the number of steps. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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