Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) is a magnetometer that originated from the International Centre for Space and Weather Science and Education at Kyushu University, Japan, to study space weather. The latest real-time Magnetic Data Acquisition System/Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (MAGDAS/CPMN) was installed at the West Coast Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. This is the seventh Magnetometer installed under MAGDAS network by Kyushu University in Malaysia (geographic latitude and longitude: 5.117N, 100.00E and geomagnetic latitude and longitude: 4.32S, 173.07E). The magnetic field component represents earth's geomagnetic field by MAGDAS. There is three main magnetic field component which describes the magnetic field which is Horizontal Intensity (H-component), Declination (D-component) and Vertical Component (Z-component). The strength of the earth's magnetic field can be monitored through the magnetometer installed at the targeted location and the value of the magnetic field can be compared with the World Magnetic Map (WMM) or any local magnetometer station in the region the installed magnetometer. This paper studies/narrates the deployment and performance analysis of the newly installed MAGDAS using Local and Kyushu Data Logger at the University Sains Malaysia. The deployment of the magnetometer is referenced with the magnetometer data logger from the Kyushu Universities. The magnetometer. The Kyushu University data logger deployment is becoming a benchmark for localizing the data logger developed locally.
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