Strong electromagnetic radiation has seriously threatened human body health due to the rapid development of 5G electronic devices towards millimeter wave. The demand for wearable and antibacterial materials with high-performance electromagnetic protection is very urgent, but still lack reasonable structure design to realize multifunctional structure. Here, a wearable and antibacterial cellulose nanofiber/silver nanowire/graphene oxide (CNF-Ag NWs/GO) hybrid film with a multilayer structure is successfully fabricated by a convenient dip-coating method. Such a multilayer structure is constituted by a flexible CNF substrate, electromagnetic shielding blocks of Ag NWs and encapsulation units of GO. Benefiting from the packaging of GO sheets by the hydrogen bond interaction, a dense Ag NWs conductive network is woven. The resulting film shows extremely low sheet resistance of 0.9 Ω/sq and superior electromagnetic shielding performance of 80 dB in the millimeter wave range (26-40 GHz). Meanwhile, an excellent antibacterial property and a motion monitoring ability with high sensitivity are also acquired. The work realizes a multi-functional integration and provides new insight into the development of wearable electromagnetic protection materials.
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