Reductive electrosynthesis often requires large negative potentials, air-sensitive electrocatalysts, precious metal electrode surfaces, dry solvent, and/or a sacrificial anode. As a result, electroorganic reduction reactions remain relatively underdeveloped compared to oxidative electroorganic methods. This work introduces a novel reductive electrosynthetic method, wherein the mediated oxidation of oxalate (C2O4 2–) at a carbon electrode facilitates the homogeneous reduction of aryl halides. Specifically, the homogeneous oxidation of C2O4 2– in mixed organic/aqueous solutions by electrochemically generated 1,1-dimethylferrocenium (E 0 (DiMeFc+/DiMeFc) = 0.35 V vs Ag/AgCl) produces the strongly reducing CO2 ·– (E 0 (CO2/ CO2 ·–) = –2.17 V vs Ag/AgCl), capable of reducing species whose reduction potential exceeds –2.0 V. Thus, strongly reducing conditions are achieved under mild applied potentials (0.4 V vs Ag/AgCl) at a carbon electrode, thereby eliminating the need for large negative potentials, air-sensitive homogeneous electrocatalysts, and precious metal heterogeneous electrocatalysts. Additionally, the hydrogen evolution reaction serves as a convenient counter-electrode reaction eliminating the need for a sacrificial anode/oxidant. Furthermore, additions of H2O can be used to tune the reaction efficiency. Overall, this method demonstrates that reduction reactions that typically require potentials of approximately –2.0 V vs Ag/AgCl can be carried out at 0.4 V vs Ag/AgCl using an inexpensive, commercially available iron-based electrocatalyst at a carbon electrode. Figure 1
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