This paper presents a study of controlled reproduction effectiveness of carp from the Hungarian breeding line W, one of the most valuable lines at the Gołysz Institute of Ichthyobiology & Aquaculture (Polish Academy of Sciences). Ovulation was induced using: CPH (0.3 + 2.7 mg kg−1BW), CPH + Ovopel (0.3 mg kg−1 + 1 pellet kg−1), Ovopel+CPH (1/5 pellet+2.7 mg kg−1), Ovopel (1 dose: 1 pellet kg−1), Ovopel (2 dose: 1/5 + 1 pellet kg−1), hCG + CPH (1200 IU kg−1 + 1.2 mg kg−1), PMSG (2000 IU kg−1), PMSG+CPH (2000 IU kg−1 + 1.2 mg kg−1), Dagin (1 standard dose kg−1), Ovaprim (0.5 mL kg−1), mGnRH-a + MET (20 μg kg−1 + 10 mg kg−1). The highest percentage of ovulating females was recorded after administering PMSG+CPH (100%), CPH + Ovopel (81.8%) and mGnRH-a + MET (80%), while the lowest was in the case of hCG + CPH and PMSG treatments (62.5%).It was demonstrated the treatment significantly determined the weight of eggs collected (expressed in g and in % of female's body weight), fertilization rate (after 12 h incubation) and the percentage of living embryos (after 24 h and 36 h), as well as the number of eggs and number of living embryos (after 36 h). Eggs of the highest weight were collected from females treated with mGnRH-a + MET (1270 g) or Ovaprim (1230 g) (however, following the Ovaprim treatment, a considerable decrease in egg quality during incubation was recorded), while eggs of the lowest weight were collected after Ovopel (1 dose) (356 g) and after Dagin (431 g) treatments. The highest number of living embryos after 36 h incubation was recorded after administering mGnRH-a + MET, hCG + CPH, CPH and Ovaprim (667,100; 497,800; 473,100; 447,500, respectively), while the lowest was after Dagin (112, 600) and after Ovopel (1 dose) (139,800) treatments. The prediction of the number of living embryos based on the resolved regression equation was the most precise in the case of Ovopel (2 doses), PMSG+CPH, Dagin, mGnRH-a + MET and Ovopel (1 dose) treatments (R2 = 0.99; 0.99; 0.99; 0.98; 0.97, respectively), and the least precise in the case of hCG + CPH and Ovaprim treatments (R2 = 0.72 and 0.72). Based on the sum of ranks calculated for all 11 treatments and assigned to the percentage of ovulating females and the number of living embryos (after 36 h), it was found that the best scores were attained by mGnRH-a + MET, PMSG+CPH, Ovaprim and Ovopel (2 dose) treatments, while the poorest by Dagin and Ovopel (1 dose) treatments.