Проаналізовано колекцію баклаг кінця VIII – першої половини ІХ століття, виготовлених нагончарному крузі, зі збірки Дніпропетровського національного історичного музею імені ДмитраЯворницького. Ці вироби салтівської культури – специфічний і малочисельний тип посуду. Доколекції увійшли три баклаги ІХ століття, знайдені на території колишньої Катеринославськоїгубернії та м. Дніпра, а також одна баклага, передана 2010 року з с. Лобойківка Петриківськогорайону Дніпропетровської області. Проаналізовано відмінності між зразками цього загаломтипового посуду. Подано відомості про аналогії цим посудинам, знайдені на пам’ятках степовогота лісостепового варіантів салтівської культури. Among the antiquities of the Saltiv culture there is a specific and non-numerical type of ceramicutensils – water bottles or flasks, which were used to transport a small amount of liquid.The article deals with three water bottles of the late 8th – early 9th centuries, which are stored in thefunds of the Dmytro Yavornytsky National Historical Museum of Dnipro and one water bottle, which wastransferred to the museum from the village of Loboykivka of the Petrykivka District of the DnipropetrovskRegion in 2010. The location of one of these water bottles is unknown. One of them has been found in thegrated former Ekaterinoslav Government, and the second one has been found in 1958 at the mouth ofthe Shiyanka river, now it’s a territory of the city of Dnipro. All four vessels have a curved front surface,a flat or slightly concave back surface, a cylindrical body, a high throat (lost in one water bottle), formedseparately and then attached to the main part of the vessel, two handles, oval in cross section, fixed onopposite sides from the throat. One water bottle is decorated with a pentagonal star in a round medallion,and two – with medallions. The medallions are formed from the same clay as the water bottle itself. Onthe water bottle, found in 2010, there are remnants of a color ornament. These are elements applied withbrown, light brown paint and white engobes.The article also analyzes the differences between different samples of this mostly the same type ofutensils – the shape of the crown, the shape of the handles, the ornament (or lack thereof). The authorconcludes that these differences are not enough to distinguish certain types and kinds of this crock.The described water bottles are characteristic of the antiquities of the Saltiv culture and havea number of analogies on the monuments of its steppe and forest-steppe variants – settlements, nomadicstations, cemeteries, as well as in the form of accidental finds. They were made in the workshops of theCrimea to order of the steppe and forest-steppe population, most likely for horsemen. Mostly made of thesame clay as amphorae and in the same workshops. But there are single water bottles that are made ofanother clay mass with the addition of chalk and hardness. It is possible that they are not made in Crimeanworkshops, but are imitations of these forms by local craftsmen.Water bottles from the Dmytro Yavornytsky National Historical Museum of Dnipro complementa number of already known and published vessels and expand the range of their existence.
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