Chemical degradation of the new crystalline mineralocorticoid provisionally called electrocortin has shown that this compound is 11h,21-dihydroxy-3,20-diketo-4-pregnen18-al. In solution, this reacts mainly as the 11-hemiacetal. We suggest aldosterone as the definitive name for the compound. Simpson SA, Tait JF, Wettstein A, Neher R, von Euw J, Schindler O, Reichstein, T. Aldosteron, Isolierung und 0167-5273/$ see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2004.05.005 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 113 392 5401; fax: +44 113 392 5395. Eigenschaften. Ueber Bestandteile der Nebennierenrinde und verwandte Stoffe. 91. Mitteilung. Helv. Chim. Acta 1954;37:1163–200. Title: Aldosterone. Isolation and characteristics. The constituents of the adrenal cortex and related substances. Abstract: We previously described, in two brief reports, the isolation and chemical structure of a new crystalline corticoid with a particularly potent effect on mineralocorticoid metabolism. The hormone was provisionally called electrocortin. After identification of its chemical structure the name aldosterone was suggested as the definitive name, which is in keeping with the internationally accepted nomenclature classification. In the mean time, the same substance has also been isolated in crystalline form by Mattox and co-workers. We report here the details of its chemical structure, isolation and its characteristics. We previously described, in two brief reports, the isolation and chemical structure of a new crystalline corticoid with a particularly potent effect on mineralocorticoid metabolism. The hormone was provisionally called electrocortin. After identification of its chemical structure the name aldosterone was suggested as the definitive name, which is in keeping with the internationally accepted nomenclature classification. In the mean time, the same substance has also been isolated in crystalline form by Mattox and co-workers. We report here the details of its chemical structure, isolation and its characteristics. Simpson SA, Tait JF, Wettstein A, Neher R, von Euw J, Schindler O, Reichstein, T. Die Konstitution des Aldosterons. Ueber Bestandteile der Nebennierenrinde und verwandte Stoffe. 92. Mitteilung. Helv. Chim. Acta 1954;37:1200–23. Title: The chemical structure of aldosterone. Constituents of the adrenal cortex and related substances. Abstract: We previously described, in two brief reports, the isolation and chemical structure of aldosterone. Details ology 96 (2004) 497–498 We previously described, in two brief reports, the isolation and chemical structure of aldosterone. Details ology 96 (2004) 497–498 D. Schlosshan et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 96 (2004) 497–498 498 regarding its isolation and the characteristics and derivatives of this hormone were described in the 91st report of this series. Here, we would like to report the results of the identification of its chemical structure. Chemical degradation of aldosterone has shown that this compound is an 18oxo-corticosterone. In solution, it probably can be found predominantly in the cyclohemiacetal form. Simpson SA, Tait JF, Wettstein A, Neher R, von Euw J, Reichstein, T. Isolierung eines neuen kristallisierten Hormons aus Nebennieren mit besonders hoher Wirksamkeit auf den Mineralstoffwechsel. Experientia 1953:9;333–5. Title: Isolation of a new crystalline hormone from the adrenal gland with a particularly potent effect on electrolyte metabolism. Recently, a new, highly sensitive method was described allowing rapid measurement of the effects of steroids on the ratio of urinary sodium and potassium output using only tracer amounts of substrate. With the help of this test, it was possible to demonstrate unequivocally that adrenal gland extracts indeed contain a specific substance with high activity that can also be detected after paper chromatographic separation and in the blood. It was also possible to purify this substance to a high degree. Using the method described above, the concentrates were 60–80 times more potent than cortexone. We have now been able to isolate this substance in a pure crystalline form from several concentrates prepared by our two research groups working in parallel in Basel. Methods and results: Extracts prepared from 500 kg of beef adrenals using the method described by Cartland and Kuizenga served as starting material. A total of 167 g of this material was purified using partition chromatography on large kiesleguhr columns with aqueous methanol:benzene solvent systems. Further purification using paper chromatography and repeated partition chromatography yielded 22 mg of the raw crystalline compound. Using the Na42/K42 method by Simpson and Tait, the compound described was around 100 times, and using the modified sodium retention method of Kagawa et al. around 50 times more potent than Cortexone. In (maintenance tests) in adrenalectomised dogs the compound appeared 30 times more potent than cortexone– acetate. Conclusion: We therefore consider that we have found a new important hormone of the adrenal cortex. We will report later about experiments leading to the chemical identification and synthesis of this compound as well as other more detailed biological experiments. We reserve the right to suggest a new name for the new compound at that time.
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