Summary. A second species of Rastrophyllum is described. 9 species are transferred from Erlangea and Triplotaxis to Bothriocline and Gutenbergia. A different neotype is proposed for Bothriocline pectinata. 1. A new species of Rastrophyllum Rastrophyllum apiifolium M.G. Gilbert sp. nov. a R. pinnatipartito Wild & Pope, specie hactenus sola generis, foliis petiolis expansis lobis latioribus manifeste dentatis, capitulis grandioribus paucioribus, phyllariis exterioribus praecipue in marginibus pilosis, phyllariis interioribus marginibus scariosis latis apicibus aristatis recurvis differt. Typus: Tanzania, Mutch in MRC 94 (holotypus EA). Erect, pungently scented herb to 75 cm high, base unknown but plant probably annual, all parts except flowers with globose trichomes and septate hairs with, when dry, basal cells whitish and the terminal cell very elongated, yellowish. Stem cylindrical, striate, sparsely hirsute, branching above. Leaves alternate, petiolate, petiole up to 2 cm long, expanded into a broad amplexicaul base up to 0-8 cm wide, sometimes in upper leaves the amplexicaul base supported by a narrower parallel-sided section up to 0-5 cm long; blade elliptic in outline, deeply pinnatisect, the lobes with such prominent teeth that the blade is almost bipinnatisect, up to 6 x 4 cm (probably larger at base, these leaves withered in only collection seen), 10-15 lobes per side, lobes c. 0-6 cm wide overall, the marginal teeth up to 2 mm high, 2 mm apart, upper surface glabrous except for densely pilose main vein, secondary and tertiary veins deeply impressed, lower surface densely pilose on all veins, globose trichomes between veins. Inflorescence a terminal corymbose cyme of up to 5 capitula, often subtended by leaf-like bracts with particularly conspicuously expanded petioles and rather reduced leaf blade. Peduncles up to 2-5 cm long, often ebracteolate, densely brown-pilose. Involucre broadly campanulate to slightly urceolate, 2-3-seriate, at anthesis 7 x c. 15 mm; outer phyllaries ovate, c. 6-5 x 2 mm, basal half indurated, glabrous, pale, apical half foliaceous, hairy, especially along margins and along centre-line; inner phyllaries oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, c. 8-5 x 2-2 mm, with broad scarious, slightly fimbriate, margins and a slightly reflexed, aristate tip. Corolla pale mauve, 9 mm long overall, shortly cylindrical at base, then uniformly narrowly infundibuliform; lobes 3 x 0-4 mm; with globose trichomes throughout and short gland-tipped hairs towards base. Anthers 1-8 x 0-15 mm after dehiscence, with 0-3 mm long hyaline apical appendage
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