Introduction Orthopedic manual therapy (OMT) is a physical therapy specialization that should be considered in other physical therapy specialties, such as neurological and pediatric physiotherapy. Material and methods This case report describes the adaptation of the Kaltenborn-Evjenth evaluation protocol, and the integration of OMT treatment in a global neuromotor rehabilitation program where other professionals act. This case report also describes the use of specific techniques for the wrist region and it is also explained the use of functional massage techniques, in an isolated way and combined with other activities. Results The increase of PROM in wrist extension and radial deviation, along with absence of pain, enabled the patient to use his right hand more efficiently. These factors may also contribute to improve the subject's ability to successfully execute a pincer grasp. Discussion Although the main cause of impaired fine motor function in CVA is of neural origin, restrictions of joint motion may also warrant biomechanical assessment and treatment.