We introduced the Journal of Clinical Education in Physical Therapy (JCEPT) in 2019 as an open-access peer-reviewed journal with the twin goals of disseminating educational scholarship related to clinical education and developing physical therapy educational scholars. We were first indexed to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) in 2022, and recently passed the scientific quality review for PubMed Central (PMC) indexing. As JCEPT has become more and more established the acceptance rate has declined somewhat, yet our editorial team remains true to the developmental aspect of our mission as we work with authors through multiple iterations of their manuscripts. Over the years, JCEPT abstract views have increased five-fold and indexing will further enhance the visibility and credibility of physical therapy clinical education scholarship. A theme arising from this year’s volume was the focus on issues within the psychosocial domain across the continuum of people involved in clinical education. Student stress during their clinical education experiences including student debt and overall financial stress was explored. Also concerning was the ~66% average rate of inappropriate sexual advances by patients towards physical therapy students and the need to manage related stress and circumstances. Clinical instructors also experience stress as indicated in those with fewer than five years of experience by low compassion satisfaction. The experience may be the opposite for those at the other end of the experience spectrum as those with over 25 years in the field reported low levels of burnout. Directors of Clinical Education also manage stressful scenarios as highlighted by a case report about clinical education adjustments to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as a perspective suggesting adopting common clinical education setting terminology to reduce confusion. And for fellows, who are licensed physical therapists managing life beyond school with further training, the impact of life circumstances is suggested by better functional outcomes and more efficient episodes of care for fellows without kids at home. JCEPT publishes scholarly work affecting any aspect of clinical education in physical therapy addressing academic or clinical faculty; entry-level students, residents, or fellows; and curricula or teaching and learning methods. In addition to original research, systematic reviews, and innovative teaching methods, JCEPT publishes clinical education case reports, case reports from residency or fellowship training, excellent critically appraised topics, and the occasional perspective. We look forward to supporting educational scholars and developing the evidence underpinning physical therapy clinical education. Christopher Kevin Wong and Jean FitzpatrickFounding Editors in Chief
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