The objective of the work is to understand the key variables that dictate the complexity and viability of the implementation of carbon capture and storage (CCS). This involves examining the mathematical relationship between the storage capacity available in a reservoir and the various costs associated with injection implementation together with technical challenges such as, for example, lack of porosity or not proper lithology Initially considering factors such as the distance from the reservoir to gas pipelines and facilities survey around them In other words: Will make it able to conclude which fields have a higher viability for CCS project installation.This research began with the survey of geological and production data from all fields that have been in production for over 30 years [1,2], totaling 104 production fields. Then were calculated the feasibility value by multiplying the fractions of oil and gas produced by the OOIP and OGIP, summing them, and then dividing by the distance in meters from the pipelines. These fields were then narrowed down to the 10 most viable fields in each basin according to these feasibility value. On another front of the study, the fields, and pipelines in the two basins were georeferenced using the QGIS software [3] and organized within it with bubble charts depicting their workable value. It was concluded that the most viable fields, respectively, are Guamaré (with almost double the viability of the second-ranked), Fazenda Junco, and Porto Carão. All fields in the Recôncavo Basin proved to be significantly more feasible for the storage technique than those in the Potiguar Basin. This is mainly due to the estimated 'storage space' determined through OOIP (Original Oil in Place) [4]. That was bigger in Recôncavo Basin.Then, were made lithological descriptions, and properties of previously produced methane from wells in the Guamaré field will be gathered. The goal is to estimate a comprehensive geological model of the fields and reservoir through statistical interpolation. This process will involve compilation, geotransformation, spatial location, and 3D geometry generation using Python scripts [5] in order to integrate with tnavigator simulator and the reservoir shape made with Python/VTK in 3D using spatial location of the wells. This stage is crucial to predict and contributes to a better understanding of the storage quality in terms of time and quantity of CO2 stored. This, in turn, leads to a more reliable conclusion regarding the feasibility of CCS in these two fields.
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