Cross-modal hashing has demonstrated advantages on fast retrieval tasks. It improves the quality of hash coding by exploiting semantic correlation across different modalities. In supervised cross-modal hashing, the learning of hash function replies on the quality of extracted features, for which deep learning models have been adopted to replace the traditional models based on handcraft features. All deep methods, however, have not sufficiently explored semantic correlation of modalities for the hashing process. In this paper, we introduce a novel end-to-end deep cross-modal hashing framework which integrates feature and hash-code learning into the same network. We take both between and within modalities data correlation into consideration, and propose a novel network structure and a loss function with dual semantic supervision for hash learning. This method ensures that the generated binary codes keep the semantic relationship of the original data points. Cross-modal retrieval experiments on commonly used benchmark datasets show that our method yields substantial performance improvement over several state-of-the-art hashing methods.
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