The original bibliography, of which this is a third supplement, appeared in IRE TRANS. ON INFORMATION THEORY, PGIT-2; November, 1953. First supplement appeared in vol. IT-l, pp. 31-47, September, 1955; second supplement appeared in vol. IT-3, pp. 150-166, June, 1957. This supplement covers eleven major topics with additional minor topics included. The bibliogaphiy covers the following: I. General Theory; II. a) Bandwidth and Transmission Capacity, Time - Frequency Uncertainty; b) Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR); c) Instantaneous Frequency; d) Analytical Signals; III. Definition, Relation with Statistical Mechanics, Philosophy; IV. Correlation Prediction, Filtering, Storage; V. a) Radar; b) Radionavigation; VI. a) Speech; b) Hearing; c) Vision; d) Linguistics, Semantics; VII. a) Other Biological Applications (Cybernetics and the Nervous System); b) Human Engineering; c) Group Communication and Learning; VIII. Television; IX. a) Miscellaneous Applications; b) Games; c) Optics; d) Servomechanisms; X. Mathematics: a) Statistics; b) Games (Theory); c) Relay-Algebra, Reliability; d) Noise Analysis; XI. Pulse Modulation, Multiplex, and Coding.