SYNOPSISWith the realization that new data (especially ultrastructural) and new ideas are making necessary a major revision of the scheme of classification of the Ciliophora, several groups of ciliatologists are preparing treatises on the subject. The present paper is concerned with the composition of the large new class of ciliates, Kinetofragmophora de Puytorac et al., 1974, established very recently by the French group. Several new taxa, at ordinal and subordinal levels, are proposed for inclusion in that class, with special emphasis on the new order to contain the most primitive of extant species. Actions taken here are incorporated in a major review and revisory work of the author which is being published elsewhere.The class Kinetofragmophora, by far the largest of the 3 classes now recognized as comprising the whole phylum Ciliophora, is itself considered to contain 4 sizeable subclasses and to embrace a total of 13 orders and 14 suborders. Two orders and 6 suborders are named and described here as new, enumerated and briefly identified as follows: Order Primociliatida n. ord., for the most “primitive” of gymnostomes, with three new suborders—Homokaryotina n. subord., for the homokaryotic genus Stephanopogon; Karyorelictina n. subord., for a number of mostly interstitial ciliates which, though heterokaryotic, possess nondividing, diploid macronuclei (e.g. Trachelocerca, Trachelonema, and Tracheloraphis); and Prorodontina n. subord., for a group of relatively specialized formerly “rhabdophorine” gymnostomes such as Coleps, Placus, and Prorodon and order Haptorida n. ord., for rapacious carnivorous forms, formerly lumped with the preceding groups as “rhabdophorines,” many with oral toxicysts and well developed thigmotactic ciliature (e.g. Actinobolina, Didinium, Dileptus, Enchelys, Spathidium, and Trachelius). All foregoing taxa are members of the 1st kinetofragmophoran subclass, the Gymnostomata. In the taxonomic conclusions drawn, new significance is placed on ultrastructural data, on macronuclear differences of evolutionary importance, and on habitat and behavior. A brief review of the literature on psammophilous ciliates is presented.In the subclass Vestibulifera is now located the order Entodiniomorphida Reichenow, a group formerly considered to be a spirotrich taxon. A suborder, Blepharocorythina n. subord., is proposed to contain the old “trichostome” family Blepharocorythidae, species commensalistic in horses and ruminants and now—with their syncilia, etc.—considered ancestral to the ophryoscolecids and relatives.In the subclass Hypostomata, order Nassulida, the suborder Paranassulina n. subord. is established to contain nassulids which appear more highly evolved than Nassula itself (e.g. Paranassula and Enneameron) in perioral ciliature, mode of stomatogenesis, etc. In the enigmatic and still vexatious order Rhynchodida, the suborder Aneistrocomina n. subord. is erected to embrace rhynchodid genera with an anteriorly located sucking tentacle (and other unique characteristics)—for example, Ancistrocoma, Crebricoma, Holocoma, and Sphenophrya. With the banishment of the bulk of the old “thigmotrichs” to the oligohymenophoran order Scuticociliatida, the ancistrocomines are left with the family Hypocomidae (and relatives) in the order Rhynchodida. It is not yet clear, however, how closely related the 2 suborders of rhynchodids should be considered. Special nomenclatural problems are also involved.
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