Objectives: To evaluate impact of socio economic status on oral health associated quality of life among pregnant ladies Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in hospital of Islamabad from April-May 2024. Pregnant women between 18-49 years of age coming for antenatal care visit, without any systemic illness were recruited via simple random sampling. Oral health-related quality of life amongst pregnant women was checked. Oral-clinical assessment of pregnant patients was done by using Oral health- impact profile questionnaire (OHIP-14). Approval from HSA ethical clearance committee & inform consent from patients was taken for this study. Chi-square test was applied to determine probable association b/w variables, with considering a p-value of 0.05 as significant. Results: About one-third population of this study was bachelor degree holder or above. Almost one-third (30%) participants had a family income per month ranging between 31000 to 50000 rupees. There was no significance found between OHIP-14 scores with level of education and occupation where p-values were 0.256 & 0.075 respectively. The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) is the most commonly used scale for measuring OHRQoL of pregnant women. Chi-Square test revealed statistical insignificance of OHIP-14 score with socioeconomic status/monthly income (p-value 0.79). Chi-Square test was applied to find significance between OHIP-14 score and area of living and 1st pregnancy where p-values were 0.514 & 0.479 respectively. Conclusion: Socio-economic status do not has significant association and impact on oral health related quality of life of pregnant women. Providing dental services at a subsidized rate is the need of hour.
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