Indian derivative market is very vast market. Many assets,securities, products and services are offered in derivative market to the various traders and investors. In India derivative products are offered by both BSE (Bombay stock exchange) and NSE (national stock exchange). Derivatives are classified into two parts Commodity derivatives and financial derivatives. Commodity derivatives are dealt in commodities like soybean, turmeric, oats corns. Financial derivatives include securities, bonds, treasure, foreign exchange, stock index etc. All financial derivatives are performed with the help of futures; options .this paper manly concentrates option contracts. NSE and BSE are also dealt in futures and options. This paper only considers the trends and working of option contracts in BSE. Option contracts are a right to buy or sell security on or before expiry of period at a predetermined price which is called strike price. Options are not an obligation. Call option and put option are two basic positions which are used by trader to manage the risk of buying and selling of underlying asset or security. This paper shows the working and trends of options as indexed options and equity options in BSE.