Accurate vessel travel time estimation is essential for operational efficiency and route optimization. Despite the prevalent use of the automatic identification system (AIS) in garnering multifaceted real-time data, ambiguities and inaccuracies in travel time predictions persist. It leads to planning uncertainties, inefficient resource allocations, and heightened operational costs in maritime logistics. To addresses these issues, this paper proposed a nuanced method to enhance the precision and reliability of vessel travel time estimations. Firstly, a directed maritime network is constructed by extracting essential information from AIS-based historical vessel trajectories. This lays the foundation for the subsequent analytical processes. Secondly, the non-parametric kernel density estimation (KDE) is applied to this constructed network, enabling the estimation of vessel travel time distributions across various network links. The non-parametric KDE is used in combination with AIS data, which improves the specificity and accuracy of the travel time estimations at the link level. Finally, this paper employs cellular automata (CA) simulations to validate the accuracy of the KDE-based estimations. Comparison between the simulation results and real-world data reveals a high degree of accuracy in the proposed method, confirming its applicability and effectiveness in estimating vessel travel times.