A consumer incurs a constant flow cost to keep track of information on a firm's new product, which updates her expected valuation according to a Brownian motion. The consumer's purchase need follows a Poisson arrival over time, and upon an arrival, she decides whether to make a purchase or not. Moreover, at any time, she decides whether to keep tracking information or to drop out so as to maximize expected utility. We characterize the consumer's optimal purchase and dropout decisions in closed form. We find that consumers who are about to drop out tend to purchase less frequently. Our model generates endogenous consumer loyalty due to survival bias--consumers who are alive are more likely to stay alive and continue to make purchases in the future. This is captured by a one-parameter formula for the individual-level retention rate that features an initial steep drop and an asymptotic slow decay at the rate of inverse square root of time. Moreover, we prove sub-exponential distribution of purchase instances and provide closed-form formula for the firm's expected revenue. We estimate the model numerically by two methods: random walk simulation and numerically solving a heat equation. A comprehensive study shows that after incorporating consumer heterogeneity in the need arrival rate, our model provides a similar level of fit and prediction accuracy compared with popular existing models such as Pareto/NBD and BG/NBD. For the study, consumers' information tracking cost is estimated to be about $4.5 per annum.
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