This article presents the scheme/alternative selections with probabilistic multiple objectives optimization (PMOO). In the PMOO assessment, all response objectives (attributes) are divided into beneficial or unbeneficial types according to their function and preference to equivalently contribute their partial preferable probabilities simultaneously, the total preferable probability of an alternative is the multiplication of its all partial preferable probabilities, which determines the optimal evaluation uniquely and comparatively. The application examples contain a personnel selection and a production quantity optimal control. The former is for an engineer position in a software development department from five alternative candidates withstanding seven optimal criteria (response objectives) comparatively, and the latter aims to get an optimal production quantity with a higher profit rate and lower final cost. In the personnel selection, the seven optimal response objectives (criteria) include relevant education, work experience in the field, relevant certificates, level of presentation and communication, ability of personnel management, capabilities of planning and organization, and expressiveness of foreign language. All these seven response objectives are attributed to the beneficial type of attribute to join the assessment. As to the production quantity control, the profit rate belongs to the beneficial type of objective, while the final cost is attributed to the unbeneficial type of attribute. The evaluated results reveal that the optimal alternate for the personnel selection is candidate No. 4, and the optimum production quantity is at x* = 54 items. The achievement of the present article indicates the validity of the corresponding approach and algorithm with rationality. The novelty of this work is to reflect the simultaneity of the response objectives (criteria) in the optimal system by using probabilistic multiple objectives optimization, and all response objectives either beneficial type or unbeneficial type are evaluated separately in an equivalent manner.
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