This paper presents a method for generating optimal flight paths across defended terrain. The terrain is described by a digital map specifying the elevation in each grid cell Threats are evaluated from line of sight calculations and the range to the threat The path of the vehicle is constrained by the physics of motion of the vehicle. The costs associated with the vehicle's motion are expressed by a multiobjective cost function that balances conflicting objectives. The solution procedure considers both hard obstacles such as the ground which cannot be passed through, and soft obstacles such as threats which can be passed through at increased cost. The problem was formulated using a state-space representation in which changing state, by moving the vehicle, corresponds to dynamically generating an arc of a graph. The cost associated with traversing each arc of the graph is a function of the terrain crossed, threats encountered, and the manoeuvre required to cause the change of state. The optimal trajectory is found using the A* algorithm. Unlike previous work using A* where solution optimality was given up to gain computational feasibility, optimality of solution was preserved by using knowledge to combine compound manoeuvres (effectively limited breath first search), search over regions of the map rather than over individual grid cells of the map and intelligent pruning of inferior states. Transactions on Information and Communications Technologies vol 2, © 1993 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3517
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