The wireless Internet has to overcome the problem of spectrum scarcity as the number of mobile equipments could increase even by an order of magnitude in the next decade; the cooperation of mobile devices is foreseeable as a feasible solution to the problems. There exists a large body of literature on opportunistic ad hoc networking including Pelusi et al. (2006) [25], Chen et al. (2006) [26], Hui et al. (2005) [27]; however, the impact of the location of the devices on their access method selection is not yet appropriately dealt with. In this paper, we address this issue based on game-theoretic analyses. The key contribution of our work is threefold. First, we model the access method selection of mobile devices by extending the classical forwarding game with position, mobility, and availability of the devices. Second, we apply the model in game-theoretic analyses to better understand the optimal cooperation strategies in the presence of heterogeneous wireless technologies. We further extend our framework to include uncertainty. Finally, we present the applicability of the model in a cognitive radio scenario where complex structures of parameters are included.