Spin-orbit interaction is a weak coupling between intrinsic (spin) and extrinsic (orbital motion) degrees of freedom of spinning particles. It implies mutual conversion between a particle’s spin and orbital angular momenta. Classical polarized light also carries spin and reveals spin-orbit coupling when propagating along a curved trajectory.1 This manifests itself in two mutual phenomena. First, the curved trajectory affects the evolution of the light’s polarization state, which is described by the Berry phase and parallel-transport law: see Figure 1(a). Second, the light trajectory also experiences a reaction from the spin, i.e., a polarization-dependent perturbation of the trajectory occurs. This can also be described in terms of the Berry phase and represents a topological spin transport of photons also known as the spin-Hall effect of light or the optical Magnus effect: see Figure 1(b). We recently reported the first direct observation of this effect.2 Remarkably, the spin-orbit coupling phenomena have a dual, geometro-dynamical nature. On the one hand, the parallel transport of the polarization and the spin-Hall effect can be attributed to the inertia of the wave field and the Coriolis effect. On the other, the spin-orbit interaction of light has an inherent geometrical origin that is described by the Berry-phase topological monopole in momentum space. Two decades ago, the Berry phase brought a geometrical beauty to the description of quantum-adiabatic evolution.3, 4 Physicists started to realize that seemingly ‘passive’ geometrical concepts, such as Berry curvature, also manifest themselves dynamically, producing a real action on physical objects. As a result, geometry-induced forces appear that affect the dynamics of quantum particles with some internal properties.5 In particular, they describe the Magnus effect of quantum vortices6 and spinHall effect of spinning particles.7, 8 This offers a novel type of quantum transport that is robust against the details of the system and is determined solely by the geometry and intrinsic properties of the particles. Figure 1. Spin-orbit interaction of light. (a) Evolution of the polarization vector (e → e′ → e′′) along a helical trajectory according to the Berry phase and parallel-transport law. Θ: Polarization rotation angle for each helix. (b) Topological spin transport of photons: Reaction of spin to the trajectory causes splitting of rightand left-hand circularly polarized beams. ∆: Splitting for each helix. (Reproduced with permission from Nature Photonics.2)
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