We present a well-tempered DeWitt wave function, which vanishes at the classical big-bang singularity, in Hořava-Lifshitz (HL) cosmology with tensor perturbation, both analytically and numerically. In general relativity, the DeWitt wave function is ill-behaved once the tensor perturbation is taken into account. This is essential because the amplitude of the perturbation diverges at the singularity and the perturbative expansion completely breaks down. On the other hand, in HL gravity it is known that the higher dimensional operators required by the perturbative renormalizability render the tensor perturbation scale-invariant and regular all the way up to the singularity. In this paper we analytically show that in d+1 dimensional HL gravity, the DeWitt wave function for tensor perturbation is indeed well-defined around the classical big-bang singularity. Also, we numerically demonstrate the well-behaved DeWitt wave function for tensor perturbation from the singularity to the finite size of the Universe.