Salonen P., was the one who first proposed the idea of Double band performance of a planar reversed F antenna utilizing a U-shaped slot with a planned use for Wireless LAN at 2.4/5.2 GHz (IEEE 802.11b/a). The lower and upper frequency bands basically depends on and essentially controlled by the measurement of the external and internal plate separately. This design is normally implemented in places where there is a strong limitation in terms of space and also where the design can operate in multipath environment circumstances, something similar to mobile phones and wireless LAN operation environments. The performance of this and the related minimized designs are normally poor in contrast to the bigger and customary designs. The radiation pattern example and method of operation are not very much characterized, particularly for the upper design band, where the radiation pattern will in general stray from omnidirectional and changes quickly with frequency. In the geometry utilized here, the short is set unevenly as an afterthought confronting the upper finish of the U-shaped opening. In any case, there are various conceivable feed/short setups.
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