We consider the problem of constructing multiloop amplitudes for open string dual resonance models in space-time dimension D less than 26. These amplitudes are constructed so that open string unitarity is automatic. For general subcritical dimension, we show to remove redundant states by including an extra scalar world-sheet field (the free field incarnation of the Liouville degree of freedom) to make the BRST charge nilpotent, and the constructing a vertex function invariant under this modified charge. We prove the existence and uniqueness of this modified vertex for D<25. Although explicit calculations beyond one loop are very difficult, the duality properties are manifest. Our results are summarized by giving a Witten style action for open subcritical string fields. For the case D = 25, there are actually two solutions for a BRST invariant vertex function. The simplest does not lead to the subcritical dual loop amplitudes, because some of the redundant states still circulate the loops. However, in this case the scalar degree of freedom can be interpreted as a 26th coordinate, but with Dirichlet conditions on the open string. This is just a version of the critical string. The other solution has all redundant states removed and corresponds to the true subcritical dual model for D = 25. We consider, with partial success, the implications of this work for the interactions of subcritical closed strings.
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