We consider a differential inclusion on a manifold, defined by a field of open half-spaces whose boundary in each tangent space is the kernel of a one-form $\omega$. We make the assumption that the corank one distribution associated to the kernel of $\omega $ is completely nonholonomic of step $2$. We identify a subset of solutions of the differential inclusion, satisfying two endpoints and periodic boundary conditions, which are homotopically equivalent in the $W^{1,p}$-topology, for any $p\in [1,+\infty)$, to the based loop space and the free loop space respectively. We consider a differential inclusion on a manifold, defined by a field of open half-spaces whose boundary in each tangent space is the kernel of a one-form $\omega$. We make the assumption that the corank one distribution associated to the kernel of $\omega $ is completely nonholonomic. We identify a subset of solutions of the differential inclusion, satisfying two endpoints and periodic boundary conditions, which are homotopically equivalent in the $W^{1,p}$-topology, for any $p\in [1,+\infty)$, to the based loop space and the free loop space respectively.
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